Remove The Root Of Bitterness (Healing)

Writing the Hard Things with God
Part 2, Remove The Root Of Bitterness (Healing)

Several years ago, my husband and I were victims of a robbery in Northern California. The magnitude of our losses proved far more than we ever imagined. What was first thought to be the work of a local gang, turned out to be organized crime with affiliations reaching over half the state.

Police investigations and court appearances were exhausting, but nothing prepared me for the emotional trauma I experienced following the robbery. I could not shake the feeling that strangers everywhere, in their cars and walking down the street, might be one of the perpetrators of the crimes committed against us. My trusting nature was hijacked by fear and suspicion.

On the day of sentencing for the ringleader in our case, I appeared before the judge to speak my piece. I stood before the magistrate, remembering the words God gave me that morning.  “When they bring you to trial and deliver you over, do not be anxious beforehand what you are to say, but whatever is given you in that hour, for it is not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit.” (Mark 13:11, NKJ) God’s presence calmed my spirit as I boldly pled my case.

I stood before the judge and spoke of financial and emotional loss and the God who sustained me through it. I wished the defendant well and promised to keep him in my prayers. When his family reviled and mocked me from behind, I set my fear aside and promised to pray for them too. When I was done, the root of bitterness was gone from me, and I was free from its hold.

Deep Dive: Do you carry a root of bitterness for someone who hurt you in some way? Consider the healing that forgiving others might bring to your life. Journal your thoughts.