Five Wise, Five Foolish free play

Five Wise, Five Foolish

Five Wise, Five Foolish

An Adaptation of the Parable of the Ten Virgins

By Kimalea Arrighi


Five Wise, Five Foolish

Parable of the Ten Virgins – Matthew 25:1-13

(“Fiddler” music as Yenta enters. She shuffles in carrying a heavy carpetbag. She is tired and winded but delighted to see all the women {audience}. Adlibbing, she makes her way to the front. “How was the food?” Etc.)

Yenta: (To audience.) Hello, my beautiful daughters! Oy! (Clutching heart) How wonderful to be a Bride! Those beauty treatments I gave you must be working, eh? Trust me when I tell you Queen Esther never looked so good as you. Please, you must forgive me for being so late today. An old woman like me doesn’t get around so good anymore. Eh? (To woman in front.) Are you laughing? Someday you will see, kinderlech, what it means to be old. May God grant you as many years as he granted Methuselah! And seven times the children! Ha! No matter. (To audience) The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, and you my daughters are preparing for your Chassenes. (To woman) What is it now? Why do you make such a worried face? I know what you are thinking. What does this old woman know of weddings? You must trust me, kinderlech. I have seen to the details of many weddings. Some great, and some… well, (shrugs) not so great. But you must believe me when I tell you there has never been a wedding on this earth so important as this one. In all my years as Yenta, and there have been many I’m afraid, I have never seen a Chusen go to such trouble to prepare a home for his Kale. Your Groom is preparing a place for you. Soon he will come, and you will join him in his Kingdom. This is cause for great rejoicing! (Suspiciously) But wait! Can it be? Is it true that because he has delayed his coming some of you no longer look for him? (Clutching her heart) Oy! This must never be! It is true, we do not know the day or the hour that your Chusen will appear, but do not be foolish kinderlech. He is coming for you, and you must be ready. You must leave nothing of this matter to chance.  Now, come! (Clapping) Sweep the cobwebs away. This is no time for slumber and sleep. I have much to tell you and there is little time. (Opening book) Will you not listen and learn from the words of the Bridegroom himself? Open your ears my daughters and I will teach you the way of your Chusen.

(Music. Ten Virgins wearing white robes, with bandannas on their heads enter carrying lamps and knapsacks. Five Wise enter first. They are wearing white graduation hats and have diplomas sticking out of their knapsacks. Virgin #5 is startled by the audience and stumbles into the end of the line as she enters. Five Foolish follow sluggishly behind. Virgin # 10 is pushing and shoving.)

Yenta: The Kingdom of Heaven can be compared to the story of ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the Bridegroom.

(All Virgins pantomime looking for Bridegroom, though Five Foolish do it halfheartedly. Five Wise take diplomas from knapsacks.)

Yenta: Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish.

(Five Wise show diplomas to audience. Foolish Virgins show mock and distain.)

Yenta: Those who were foolish took their lamps. 

(Five Wise step back, moving upstage center to “Fuel Tanks.”  Five Foolish step forward and vainly display their lamps.)

Yenta: But alas! They took no oil with them.

(Five Foolish look sheepish, then begin scoffing.)

Virgin # 6: Oil shmoil!

Virgin # 7: Yeah! Who wants to lug all that oil around, anyways?

Virgin # 8: (Brooklyn Accent) Not me, honey. I’m in upper management.

Virgin # 10: (To Virgin # 9) The only oil she’ll be needing is “Oil of Olay.” (Laughing they move stage left followed by the other Foolish Virgins.)

Virgin # 8: Hey! I heard that!

(Five Foolish begin to silently “set up camp,” stage left.)

Yenta: But the Wise Virgins took oil in their vessels with their lamps.

(Five Wise quickly wheel their “Fuel Pumps” downstage, positioning them to reveal front side to audience. They happily begin “setting up camp,” adjacent to Five Foolish.)

Activities for:

  • Five Wise –

Virgin #1 – Studious, reads bible & study books

Virgin #2 – Exercising

Virgin #3 – Continues watching for “Bridegroom.”  Distributes pillows to all and a Teddy Bear for .

V. #4 – organizes her traveling bag.

V. #5 – Is enticed by the activities of Virgins 6 & 7.  Virgin #4 brings her back and tucks her in.

  • Five Foolish –

Virgin #6 – Reads “Chaff Magazine.” Obnoxiously chews gum.

Virgin #7 – Wears headphones, listening to “Profane Rocks” CD.

Virgin #8 – Giving herself a pedicure.

Virgin #9 – Admiring herself in a hand mirror.

Virgin # 10 – A floozy. Reading “First Degree Burn – Romance Magazine”.

Ten Little Virgins Chant – (Yenta chants last line of each stanza)

V. #1 Ten little virgins waiting to be wed.

One study’s hard and her spirit is fed.

Her sisters call the Yenta, the Yenta said,

“Wise little virgins can seldom be misled.”

V. #6 Ten little virgins learning where to glean.

One sifts and gathers from “Chaff Magazine.”

Her sisters call the Yenta, the Yenta decreed,

“If chaff is what you sow, then chaff is what you’ll glean.”

V.  #2 Ten little virgins trying to endure.

One presses on until she perseveres.

Her sisters call the Yenta, the Yenta cheered,

“Don’t weary in well doing, your crown is near.”

V. #7 Ten little virgins with temptations and desires.

One lends her ear to things Satan inspires.

Her sisters call the Yenta. Yenta advised,

“Don’t talk to serpents, or listen to their lies.”

V. # 8 Ten little virgins putting on adornments.

One only polishes her outward appearance.

Her sisters call the Yenta. Yenta wouldn’t hear it,

“Lasting beauty is a gentle, quiet spirit.”

V. # 4 Ten little virgins with their marching orders.

One has the training of a disciplined soldier.

Her sister called the Yenta.Yenta told her,

“A Wise little virgin keeps her house in order.”

V. #9 Ten little virgins listening to God’s law.

One beholds her sin, forgetting what she saw.

Her sisters called the Yenta. Yenta was appalled.

“Be a hearer and a doer, so you won’t fall.

V. #5 Ten little virgins following the course

One tends to stray when she’s curious.

Her sisters called the Yenta. Yenta said in love,

“Be wise as serpents, innocent as doves.”

V. # 10 Ten little virgins living in the world

One fans the flame of thoughts that are impure

Her sisters called the Yenta. Yenta assured,

“If you play with fire, you’re gonna get burned.”

V. #3 Ten little virgins with Marriage on their minds.

One waits and watches, for soon she’ll be a bride.

Her sisters call the Yenta, the Yenta cried,

“She will be found worthy in her Bridegroom’s eyes.”

(During the preceding rhyme, “Ten Little Virgins,” Five Foolish must replace the large yellow flames in their lamps with small ones. This must be done quickly, without being seen by the audience. Following their individual parts in the rhyme, each Virgin begins to show signs of weariness, slowly moving into slumber/sleep mode.)

(Virgin #3 is the last one to succumb to sleep. At Yenta’s next line, “… deep, deep, deep sleep,” she does a kind of hypnosis / trance gag.)

Yenta: When it happened that the Bridegroom was delayed, the Ten Virgins became very weary. Soon they slumbered and fell into a deep, deep, deep sleep. (Abruptly) Then SUDDENLY at midnight a cry was heard! “Look!” it said.  “Your Chusen is coming! Your Bridegroom is near!”

(Startled, and groggy, all Ten Virgins stand up, staring dumbly at Yenta.)

Yenta: What are you waiting for? Hanukah maybe? Go out to meet him!

(The Five Wise jump into action. They fill their lamps with the nozzles from their “Fuel pumps.” In contrast Five Foolish are sluggish, grumpy from being awakened, etc. They soon realize that their lamps are going out and begin to pantomime panic.)

Yenta: Now, when they woke up, the Ten Virgins arose and prepared their lamps.

And the Foolish Virgins went to the Wise and said…

Virgin #6: (Ganging up on Virgin #5.) Hey! Give us some of your oil.

Virgin #7 Yeah! Can’t you see our lamps are going out!

Virgin #4: (Protectively steps in front of Virgin #5, facing off Virgin #7.) She doesn’t have enough oil to fix your problem.

Virgin #3: (Calmly) Time out! Look you guys. You know we could only make provision for ourselves.

Five Foolish: (Adlib protests, pleading, threats.)

Virgin #3: (Firmly) I’m sorry, but there just isn’t enough here for all of us.

(Turning, Five Wise flip veils out from under their bandannas as they move to exit, stage right, pausing at next line.)

Virgin # 10: (Choking up) But…, but, what are we supposed to do?

Virgin #5: (Gently) Go shopping and try to buy some for yourselves. (Turns to leave. Stops, looks back. Soberly) If you still can.

(Five Foolish quickly exit stage left in a desperate attempt to find oil for their lamps.)

(Five Wise exit stage right. It must appear to audience as though the Virgins are seeing a great wedding party beyond the door. Adlib great joy and anticipation.)

Yenta: But while they were gone to buy oil, the Bridegroom came. All of the Wise Virgins, who were ready, went in with him to the wedding.  And then… the door was shut!

(The Five Foolish Virgins enter from stage left adlibbing about their purchases. The lights in their lamps have gone completely out. They are wearing fancy hats, sunglasses, high heel shoes, etc. They are carrying various name-brand shopping bags, and are preoccupied with their new possessions.)

Virgin #8: Yoo hoo! Yoo Hoo! Hey! Where did everybody go?

Virgin #9: It’s too quiet around here.

Virgin #8: Those “goody goodies” are going to eat their hearts out when they get a load of this little treasure. (Showing off a large ring on her finger.)

Virgin #6: (To Virgin #7.) You don’t think…?

Virgin #8: (Dumbly) What? What’s wrong?

Virgin #7: (Stricken) The Bridegroom came while we were gone.

Virgin #8: (Tearfully, to audience) But we were just out getting our trousseau together.

Virgin #10: (Runs to stage right exit door and knocks frantically) Sir, Sir! Can you hear me? Remember us. We’re back now! (Holds up unlit lamp, vainly blows on it trying to rekindle the flame.  Other Virgins follow suit.) We went… (Weakly) shopping. (Hides shopping bag behind her back. Other Virgins follow suit.)

Virgin #8:  We brought more oil. (She weakly displays a large bottle of “Oil of Olay.”)

Yenta: But the Bridegroom would not open the door to them. He said to the Foolish Virgins, “Go away. I tell you the truth I don’t know you.”

(Five Foolish exit slowly stage left. They are stunned, their purchases meaningless. As the reality of their loss sinks in they mirror anguish and grief.)

Yenta: (Closing book.) Be wise my daughters and learn the way of your Chusen. (Exiting as she continues to speak.)  He is not late. No. He is only delayed… for the time of his choosing. Therefore, keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour that he is coming for you. (Adlib as needed until exit is complete.)

Advise For The Bride


  1. Old – The Old Testament Scriptures
  2. New – The New Testament Scriptures
  3. Borrowed – We are living on borrowed time.
  4. Blue – Heaven