Meredith Learns to Walk

(At lights Winter is pouring tea service for Meredith.  Meredith, who has been reading the scriptures lays her Bible on her lap and is lost in thought.)

Meredith: Do you think the sun will ever come out?

Winter: Not around here Miss… Likely never will. (Meredith moans) There, there…  You know it’s for the best. I chose this place for you. It suits you. The dark shadows and high walls are perfect. No one can get to you here. You’re safe now. Now,  stop going on about this and drink your tea. There are some things you just can’t change.

Meredith: (Sips tea, winces) I can’t drink this!  It gets more bitter with every sip! Have you put something in it?

Winter: (urging her to drink) Take it child; you need this to help you forget!

Meredith: No! I don’t want it anymore! (Pause) Winter, don’t you ever regret coming to this awful place? Don’t you wish you could take it all back and start over? (Wistfully) Begin anew?

Winter: Don’t be a fool child. There is only pain in looking back. You have all you need here. I’ve seen to that!

Meredith: But, there is nothing but darkness. And the cold is cutting through my bones. Can’t you feel it (rubbing her leg)?

Winter: Oh, look at your feet! They’re blue! Here, let me bind them for you. You’ll be more comfortable!

Meredith: I don’t want you to make me more comfortable. Why can’t you see that? If I freeze to death at least I’m feeling something. I need to feel something.

Winter: Stop torturing yourself, Meredith. You can’t go back and change the past. What’s done is done. You’re here with me now – you don’t need anything else. Anyone else! Besides, I’ve taken good care of you all these years, haven’t I? We’ve managed just fine.

Meredith: Winter, how can you say that everything is fine? Look at me! I just sit here day after day wasting away. It’s killing me inside!

Winter: Meredith, don’t start this again…

Meredith: If only I could find the courage… (Rises using crutch, struggling)  I know I could walk again…

Winter: Don’t be a fool. Look at yourself! You are too weak!

Meredith: I can’t just sit here wasting away thinking about what might have been. My life was meant to have meaning. Purpose!

Winter: Meredith, grow up! We’ve been over this again and again. You need to accept things as they are. You put an end to whatever purpose you had when you stumbled and fell all those years ago. The only reason you survived at all is that I snatched you out of harm’s way. I protected you from yourself. (snarling) I made you! Besides, you didn’t have what it took to walk the path when you were strong, what makes you think you can do it now?

Meredith: (Weakly) I have faith.

Winter: Faith? Look at yourself! You would never make it! All those twists and turns would only bring you back more broken than before.

Meredith: Not this time. This time I would be… (Straightening, clings to Bible)  Prepared.

(Meredith begins to gain strength in her body and legs in increments as she gains resolve and courage. As her frame straightens Winter’s begins to sag and hunch in the same measure.)

Winter: Prepared? How? Who are you kidding Meredith? You don’t even know where to start!

Meredith: Maybe you’re right, Winter. But anything is better than this.

Winter: (Noticeably hunched) You’ll fall flat on your face!  You need me to lean on! Don’t you ever forget that you would have been left completely alone if I hadn’t taken you in!

Meredith: Winter, I was never alone. I know that now. Even here, in this barren place I was never alone.  I’m leaving Winter. Don’t come looking for me.  (Straightening, limps to door.)

Winter: (Crippling) Meredith! Stop! It’s dark out there!

Meredith: (Fully erect, turns toward Winter and hands her the crutch) No. it’s is dark in here.

Winter: Go! Go then! But tell me Little Much Afraid where do you think this foolish path of yours is going to take you?

Meredith: To a great and wonderful city Winter. A city with real foundations. One whose builder and maker is God.

(Meredith exits. Winter cries out in rage, her body contorting until she becomes completely crippled. Winter hobbles toward the chair and sits heavily.)

Winter: (Sips bitter tea, winces) She’ll be back. She’ll be back… (Fear, and anger mark Winters demeanor and tone as she loses control over Meredith. Ad lib as lights fade. Do not rush).